23rd February 2025

​The Votex B40 blower clears the copses at club

Campey Turf Systems Ltd

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United Kingdom, SK11 9HG
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​The Votex B40 blower clears the copses at club

Campey Turf Care Systems has provided a remedy for an ongoing leaf and debris problem at Cotswold Hills Golf Club in the shape of the Votex B40 Blower. Every one of the 18-holes on the Cotswold Hills course has at least two copses of varying sizes running along the fairways or around the greens, making this a very prevalent issue, and one which Wayne is very pleased the Votex B40 has been able to solve.

The club required a solution that something that would fit on the back of a compact tractor, which wasn’t wider than the tractor and was easy to manoeuvre through the trees. Another key requirement was a machine with a 180-degree swivel head so grounds staff could blow the leaves either side of the machine.

The B40 met all those criteria and when we tried it out we found it was similar to our previous blower power wise, but it was a lot more efficient, especially when using the nozzle. The power the B40 blower comes from the intuitive design that is applied to all the models within the Votex range. The blowers are designed according to the ‘forced air guidance’ principal and have a double-sided air inlet. This enlarges the air intake without enlarging the turbine.

Though the capacity is high, the weight of the rotating parts is extremely low. This low weight prevents overcharging of the power train of the tractor when thrown into gear. The blower can fit several PTO speeds and directions.

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